
Team Evolta is a team of teams. A multidisciplinary mix of engineers and architects, of designers, draughtspeople, modellers, project managers, analysts, technicians, etc. Of individuals with differing expertise and backgrounds who creatively challenge, support and complement one another. Who together have what it takes to shape tomorrow’s society by putting beauty and happiness first throughout every journey.
That’s Evolta. A sum of the most diverse talents with the same goal: to connect people and places.


Public space

When you say parks, squares, village core renovation, environmental landscaping or landscape development, we think: the Public Space team. A highly coordinated crew of knowledge managers, project leaders and professional experts – guided and supported by team leader Hans. For them, human-centred design means creating space for experience, residing, greenery, play and relaxation.


Sustainable Mobility

In mobility assignments, the Sustainable Mobility team is given free rein. Designers, project leaders and professional experts working hard for a modal shift from motorised passenger transport to sustainable mobility solutions. For solutions that invite travel, meeting, moving freely through cities and towns. Time and again, team leader Bert and co strive for maximum freedom and accessibility, for everyone. Not only with (large-scale) road infrastructure, but also with cycling highways , bridges and tunnels, station environments, hiking trails and rest stops.


People & environment

If you want to tackle water scarcity and flooding, while contributing to clean waterways in Flanders, then contact Dieter's team. This driven team of disconnection architects , knowledge managers and professional experts delves into everything from depaving, modelling, sewer design and green-blue networks to sustainable road design. Into the relationship between humans and the environment, or how we can vastly improve it with a few well-aimed interventions.



Team Jouret is a team unto itself. An enthusiastic team of infrastructure specialists that chose for integration into the Evolta Group in late 2021. They combine years of experience in infrastructure works, surveying, sewerage studies and project development with a strong affinity for complex, multidisciplinary projects in public spaces. This crew from the heart of Sint-Niklaas always seeks a balance between inventiveness, expertise and sustainability for the greatest possible social impact.


People in development

The People in Development Team puts the user of the space first, just a bit more than the other teams. Along with team leader Jessie, these talented architects, professional experts, project managers and BIM modellers pull out all the stops to create places where people can exercise, study, grow and recuperate to their hearts' content. In doing so, they not only focus on the assignment and location per se, but also look for the 'genius loci', the soul of the environment. The result: high-quality, inviting and inspiring schools, residential care centres, sports centres, etc.


Organisation in motion

Improving the workflow of organisations with architectural interventions is the Organisation in Motion team's speciality. Leader 'Iske' and her driven team of architects, project managers and professional experts work closely together to closely study and improve an organisation's work activities. Because an efficient working environment makes people happier. This involves healthy workplaces, smart distribution centres, quiet manufacturing buildings, shops full of light and multifunctional sites.


Consultancy services

Our consultants are colleagues with very specific expertise – from design to mechanics and logistics. When you need technical support, we provide the right specialist on-site with one common denominator: the ambition to make a difference. They bring a great deal of expertise and insights with them from other projects. This is how we can support you in any project and give you peace of mind.


Management & Support

The Management & Support team provides – how did you guess - support to all the other teams in administrative, financial, commercial and talent terms. This passionate and diverse team of ten does it utmost every day to advise and assist both their colleagues and our clients.


Executive Board

Inspiring and directing our interdisciplinary teams is not a one-(wo)man job. Along with directors Gertrude and Philippe, Nele leads our organisation as Managing Director and CEO. Directors Sam and Johan complete the picture. They inspire us like no-one else could to dream, to add value, to spread our wings. They keep a watchful eye over our DNA and if something is really stuck, they get things moving again. And we can also count on the Leadership Team for the more difficult cases and delicate discussions.